Battles are an integral part of the human experience, manifesting in various forms such as challenges, temptations, or adversity. However, not all battles have a positive impact. As followers of Christ, it’s crucial to discern between the good fights and the bad. In 2 Timothy 4:7, the apostle Paul speaks of fighting the good fight, emphasizing the importance of engaging in battles that align with God’s will.

A good fight is simply an engagement in a battle that is ordained by God to fulfill His perfect will in the life of the believer. A bad fight, on the other hand, is engaging in a battle that is not found in the perfect blueprint of God for your life.

The Scriptures remind us in James 1:2-4 that facing trials with joy produces perseverance, leading to spiritual maturity. Good fights come with rewards; conversely, unnecessary battles lead to no trophies and can result in devastating consequences if God does not intervene with His mercies.

Proverbs 27:12 advises us to be prudent in discerning the battles we engage in, highlighting the wisdom of avoiding unnecessary strife. The devil always has a battle for you because anywhere he shows up, he comes to kill, steal, and destroy, but you have to choose your battles carefully. You may encounter challenges, strife, or triggers from people at the workplace, your family, business, or from everyday life, but you do not need to engage in everything that comes your way.

You need to learn to discern and overlook or avoid engaging in certain battles.

It is not in every situation that you should try to explain and defend yourself. There are times when you need to be silent and focus on the prize. Jesus did not answer Herod when he was being questioned at his trial (Luke 23:8-9).

It is not in every situation that you should try to stop evil; sometimes, you need to let evil prevail for the greater good to manifest. Jesus encouraged Judas to go ahead and carry out the evil plot he had against him; Jesus even told him to do it quickly (John 13:27). But in the end, Judas died a miserable death, and Jesus had a glorious life. In situations like this, you need a higher level of discernment, or you may fight your “Judas” and prevent your latter glory from manifesting. Bow your head down right now, pray for a minute, and ask God to give you a higher level of discernment for identifying situations such as this.

It is not in every situation that you should seek vengeance or retribution. Paul was deserted by certain believers, but he did not hold it against them (2 Timothy 4:16). Joseph was imprisoned by Potiphar because Potiphar’s wife lied against him, but Joseph did not seek retribution after he was released. He did not seek to prove his innocence and correct the records after he gained power and influence (Genesis 39:19-23).

May God give you the understanding and wisdom to be able to apply these keys to your daily life.

God equips us for the battles He assigns to us.

1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

For every battle you will ever face in life, God has allocated a measure of grace to see you through. As 1 Corinthians 10:13 assures us, God is faithful and provides a way out when we face temptation, ensuring we can endure. However, it’s crucial to understand that grace is specifically allocated for battles assigned to us.

The battle between Jesus Christ and the devil.

Before the devil came to tempt Jesus, God led Him ahead of time to the battleground and prepared Him spiritually through fasting and prayer. And mentally through the knowledge of the Scriptures. Luke 4:1-13 illustrates Jesus’ preparation and victory over Satan’s temptations in the wilderness. God’s preparation did not only equipped Jesus for the battle but also made Him psychologically prepared for what awaited Him.

Likewise, God will prepare you spiritually, mentally, and psychologically for any battle He allows to come your way before it arrives. Just as He guided Jesus, He will guide and strengthen you for the challenges you face, ensuring you are equipped to stand firm in faith.

Gideon’s Battles

Before Gideon ever envisioned facing any battle, God had meticulously planned every step. Despite Gideon’s initial perception of himself as a “coward,” God knew precisely how to transform him into a mighty man of valor. He orchestrated a series of encounters to prepare Gideon both spiritually and mentally for the challenges ahead.

In Judges 6:12-13,16, we witness the angel of the LORD affirming Gideon’s identity as a mighty man of valor and assuring him of victory over the Midianites. These words of affirmation had a profound psychological impact, reshaping Gideon’s perception of himself.

Throughout Gideon’s journey, God performed miraculous signs and wonders to bolster his courage and power. In Judges 6:20-21, we see fire consuming a sacrificial offering, confirming God’s presence and approval. Gideon’s faith was further strengthened as he sought confirmation through the fleece test, as described in Judges 6:36-40.

Moreover, the Spirit of the Lord moved certain men and soldiers to stand with Gideon, reinforcing his leadership and resolve (Judges 6:34). Additionally, God inspired people to dream about Gideon’s destiny, instilling confidence in his leadership among the Israelites (Judges 7:13-14).

God orchestrated each of these situations sequentially, aligning everything for Gideon’s victory. Through divine intervention and strategic preparation, God ensured that Gideon was equipped to fulfill his purpose and lead his people to triumph.

Just as God meticulously prepared Gideon for his battles, He also prepares and equips us for the challenges we face in life. Let us trust in God’s guidance and provision, knowing that He orchestrates all things for our victory and His glory.

What God did for our Savior Jesus and Gideon is a testament to His faithfulness and provision for His children. Just as He meticulously prepared Jesus and Gideon for their respective challenges, He does the same for each one of us before we engage in any battle ordained by Him.

For every battle that aligns with our divine purpose, God prepares us spiritually, mentally, and psychologically. He instils within us the necessary composure and strength for victory, equipping us with the faith and courage to overcome. Moreover, He orchestrates divine helpers to stand alongside us, providing support and encouragement along the journey.

As Romans 8:28 assures us, ‘All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.’ Even in the face of adversity, God’s sovereign plan unfolds, leading us toward victory and fulfilling His purpose in our lives.

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